Volatility What do we mean when we say "volatility" and "volatile" in this project? Here are some pointers... Weiterlesen
Unnatural theory. Or: what the construction of the unnatural can tell us about how humans make meaning An essay reflecting on “the unnatural” has just been published in a collection on cultural theory, co-authored by a… Weiterlesen
Hydro-Perspectivism A new open-access publication considers ways of learning about terrestrial life from a watery angle. Weiterlesen
Beyond mosaics and matryoshkas. Thinking about indigeneity and decolonisation in the Circumpolar North. And beyond. Some thoughts on indigeneity and decolonisation in the Circumpolar North, from an inspiring workshop at the Universität… Weiterlesen
Can something be fluid and still solid? Musings about “solid fluids“ A blog post on why it is helpful to approach materials and meanings as "solid fluids", and why "solid" and "fluid" still… Weiterlesen
Delta Methoden - Arbeitspapier veröffentlicht Wir freuen und mitteilen zu können, dass unser Sammelband "Delta Methoden: Überlegungen zur Erforschung hydrosozialer… Weiterlesen
Call for Papers für "Volatile waters, improvised worlds" Diskutiere mit uns die Beziehung zwischen verschiedenen Formen von volatilem Wasser und spezifischen soziokulturellen… Weiterlesen
Neue Publikation "Towards an amphibious anthropology of delta life" Franz Krause formuliert in seinem Kurzbeitrag in der Zeitschrift 'Human Ecology' vier Dimensionen zur Erforschung des… Weiterlesen
Making a case for comparison This post is a first stab at the questions of how and why DELTA aims at realising its comparative dimension. Weiterlesen
Call for papers on "Deltas as living landscapes" Discuss with us the relationship between the 'delta' label designating particular regions, and the everyday life and… Weiterlesen