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  • Krause, Franz. Inhabiting volatility in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada. Vortrag am Institut für geographische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin. Berlin, Deutschland. 22. November 2022.

  • Krause, Franz. Inhabiting a transforming delta: volatility and improvisation in the Canadian Arctic. Vortrag an der Karls Universität Prag. Prag, Tschechische Republik. 23. November 2021.

  • Krause, Franz. Inhabiting thaw in the Mackenzie Delta: environmental-humanities reflections on liquescence in the Canadian Arctic. Vortrag in der Ringvorlesung Global Environmental Humanities. Köln, Deutschland/online. 10. November 2021.

  • Krause, Franz.  Four deltas: inhabiting dynamic worlds in Brazil, Canada, Myanmar and Senegal. Vortrag in einem Workshop zu den sozio-ökologischen Transformationsprozessen in der Jakarta Bay. Online. 5. Juli 2021.

  • Krause, Franz. Inhabiting Global Change Locally: Colonialism and Climate in the Canadian Mackenzie Delta. Vortrag in der Ringvorlesung Interdisciplinary Forum: Peace and Sustainability. Online. 28. Juni 2021.

  • Krause, Franz. An Anthropology of the Amphibious Anthropocene: Towards a Decolonial Perspective on Global Water Crises. Eröffnungsvortrag der Konferenz Waterworlding: Reflecting on Multiple Waters. Online. 17.-19. Juni 2021.

  • Krause, franz. Hydrosocial flooding: making sense of water flows in anthropology and beyond. Vortrag in der Reihe Flooding the Field. Online. 25. Februar 2021.
  • Simon, Sandro. Artist Roundtable/Webinar. Weaving Connections. Extracting Us/ONCA Gallery. 24. September 2020. Online.
  • Krause, Franz. Navigating a disintegrating delta: on volatility and improvisation in the Canadian Arctic. Vortrag im Institutskolloquium Ethnologie, Universität Heidelberg. 28. Januar 2020.
  • Simon, Sandro. Practice, Pause and Anticipation in Deltaic Lifeworlds. Vortrag auf dem Workshop After Waithood? Contemporary Approaches to Research with Youth Across ‘Muslim Worlds’, Postdoctoral Dialogue Series ‘Norms, Plurality and Critique’, ‘Normative Orders’ Research Centre, Goethe Universität Frankfurt; 24. Januar 2020.
  • Simon, Sandro. From Fact to Figuration, from Materiality to Sensuality in Anthropological Representation. Vortrag auf dem EASA Environment and Anthropology Network inaugural meeting Perspectives and stories in a world of facts and figures? Exploring the potential of anthropology in tackling environmental issues, Universität zu Köln; 13. Dezember 2020.
  • Ivars, Benoit. Frontiers of Uncertainty: Dynamics of Inland Fishery Tenure in a Village of the Ayeyarwady Delta. Vortrag auf dem Workshop The Kaleidoscope of Myanmar Transformations. Myanmar-Europe Research Network (MYern). Turin, Italien; 26. October 2019.
  • Krause, Franz. Navigating a melting Mackenzie Delta: losing and finding your way in a transforming world. Vortrag auf de Doktorandenworkshop des Schweizer Graduiertenprograms in Anthropologie Ecology and Hermeneutics of Skills, Männedorf, Schweiz. 20. September 2019.
  • Simon, Sandro. Conchoidal Correspondences. Votrag auf dem Workshop des Networks for Visual Anthropology (VANEASA) Crafting the Future of the Visual Essay, Antwerpen; 13. September 2019. 
  • Simon, Sandro. mollUScs + MOLLusCS. Vortrag im I Never Read Art Book Fair Podcast Radio, Art Basel, Basel; 15. Juni 2019.
  • Krause, Franz. Flexibility and Improvisation in a melting Mackenzie Delta. Vortrag in der Reihe Wasser. Macht. Lebenswelten. der Gesellschaft für Geographie und Ethnologie in Freiburg, DE; 17. Januar 2019.
  • Krause, Franz. Hydrosocial volatility in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada. Vortrag im Ethnologiekolloquium, Universität Zürich, CH; 18. Dezember 2018.
  • Krause, Franz. Mobile Inuit, melting ice, and murky independence: reflections on volatile life in the Canadian Mackenzie Delta. Vortrag in der Reihe Sixty minutes in ethnography, theory, anthropology. Universität zu Köln, DE; 7. November 2018.
  • Krause, Franz. Hydrosocial relations: why water is more than H2O, and how this matters in drinking water supply, flood control, and climate change. Vortrag im Seminar Water for Life. Universität Hohenheim, DE; 15. Oktober 2018.
  • Krause, Franz. River deltas and sea crossings: reflections on movement where land and water meet. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Sea crossings in context: Investigating the impact of human dispersal across Straits. Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann, DE; 5. Oktober 2018.
  • Krause, Franz. The tempo of solid fluids: on river ice, permafrost, and other melting matter in the Mackenzie Delta. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Solid Fluids. New Appraches to Materials and Meanings. University of Aberdeen, Schottland; 28. August 2018.
  • Simon, Sandro. Fear and Epistemic Murkiness: Fieldwork under the Possibility of Fire. Vortrag im Seminar RAI Research in Progress, Royal Anthropological Institute, London, UK. 25. Januar 2018.
  • Ivars Benoit ; Neopanae, Nawaraj. Frictions between Fishing and Agriculture Interests : the Case of the Inn Leasable Fisheries in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar. Presentation at the symposium Myanmar Fisheries and Aquaculture Research. WorldFish. Yangon, Myanmar ; 14. November 2017.
  • Krause, Franz. Grundzüge einer amphibischen Anthropologie vom Leben in Flussdeltas. Vortrag im Seminar Wasser: Kontrolle und Kommerzialisierung; Goethe Universität Frankfurt, DE; 16. November 2016
  • Krause, Franz. From sustainable flood memories to volatile delta life. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Living with Floods: Concepts and Practices of Flood Management in the UK, Vietnam and the Global South; Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; 9. Mai 2016