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The latest issue "Social Water" of the GSSC web magazine Voices from around the World

We are happy to announce the new publication "Social Water" with thrilling contributions from our DELTA members Sandro and Franz.

The current issue "Social Water" of the web magazine Voices from around the World, which was launched by the Global South Studies Center (GSSC) of the University of Cologne, collects contributions in various formats, this time all around the topic of water.
Two members of our DELTA team contributed to this issue with one article each.
Franz, also the issue's responsible editor, addresses in his article "Is a River 'Infrastructure'? Thinking about Timber Transport on the Kemi River in Finnish Lapland" the link between moving waters and moving timber.
Sandro uses photos from the field to demonstrate in his article "Constructing the Tana Delta: Imaginaries, Scales and Placeness of Watery Infrastructure" how multi-stranded social, ecological, political, technological and economic forces manifest and become visible in infrastructure in the Tana Delta.

But take a closer look for yourself and read the whole articles here.
