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New Publication: "Now what? Repositioning anthropology vis‐à‐vis climate change activism"

In a contribution to a forum on climate activism and anthropology, a project member asks the difficult question, "Now what?"

This article in Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale, the journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) is part of a forum on the relationship between anthropology and climate activism. In this piece, Franz challenges his colleagues to develop answers to a question that tends to be seen as difficult in anthropology, the question about the "now what?", the practical recommendations for action. He argues that it is not enough to produce exciting and relevant stories and insights into anthropological research on climate change. If we do not formulate recommendations for action ourselves, or in close collaboration with others, we leave this important area to strangers, which can lead to our research being abused to make statements that we ourselves may find very problematic.

The paper is published open-access CC-BY and can be downloaded here
